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Cabinet post details

Cabinet Member for Transport and Cleaner Streets


·         Leading on policy for the Council’s fleet and SEN transport

·         Leading on car clubs and urban micro-mobility

·         Increasing the number of step-free-access stations

·         Lead member for liaison with Transport for London and strategic transport projects

·         Responsible for greater community input into the design and execution of LTNs and provision of cycle hangars

·         Responsible for attracting external investment into the borough to support overall aims for sustainable transport

·         Responsible for the functions of the Council as the Highway authority, including transportation planning, traffic management, road safety and all matters related to trunk roads, highways and other roads, including the development of new schemes

·         Oversee the development and implementation of a Borough-wide EV strategy and Walking and Cycling Strategy

·         Lead on work with establishing more electric vehicles charging points in lamp columns, on-street and establish electric vehicle charging hubs

·         Work with TfL to join the pan-London micro mobility trial, and to ensure that the scheme works for Merton

·         Oversee the development and implementation of a strategic transport strategy that supports greater public transport connectivity to and within the borough

·         Responsible for on-street and off-street parking policy and parking enforcement services

·         Develop effective links with statutory, regional and sub-regional agencies to create an efficient and effective public transport and road network systems

·         Oversee the regular maintenance and improvement of the Borough’s roads, cycle routes and streets

·         Support flood risk improvement measures

·         Responsible for minimising waste and maximising recycling and ensuring effective waste collection and disposal

·         Develop links between relevant authorities at all levels to drive and implement effective air quality policies, including increasing the number of school street schemes in the borough

·         Ensure contracts uphold best possible outcomes in effective management of waste and street cleaning

·         Lead on the delivery and implementation of a new waste and street cleaning service

·         Lead on making Merton a clean and welcoming place for residents, businesses and visitors

·         Focus on streetscene improvement, including initiatives around HMOs/flats above shops

·         Responsible for monitoring budgets and any capital schemes for services within the portfolio

·         Overall responsibility for street cleansing, litter, the removal of fly-tipping, abandoned vehicles and graffiti

·         Develop and have oversight of the Council’s communication and outreach plan to help work with residents to reduce illegal dumping and create a cleaner borough


To view contact details for the current Cabinet Member, click on the link below.

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