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Cabinet post details

Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety


·         Work closely with the Police, enforcement agencies and other key stakeholders to develop Crime Prevention policies

·         Advocate for increased safety capacity including visible policing, and for the retention of both Mitcham and Wimbledon Police stations

·         Work with the Police on the implementation of The Turnaround Plan

·         Lead on reducing the threat of crime and anti-social behaviour in Merton and working closely with the Police and Community Safety partnerships

·         Responsibility for Violence Against Women and Girls and to oversee the implementation of VAWG Strategy

·         Oversight of the Council’s Preventing Violent Extremism strategy

·         Monitor and deliver the Safer Streets Pilot

·         Overall responsibility for Public Protection, including the operation of CCTV

·         Oversee the development and implementation of policies and strategies to combat Anti-Social Behaviour

·         Responsible for all of the Council’s street scene enforcement services, including the investigation and prosecution of cases

·         Oversee work on the Domestic Violence Strategy development and implementation

·         Lead community awareness campaigns to support strategic community safety priorities

·         Oversight of the implementation and monitoring of the borough-wide Public Space Protection Order

·         Lead on making Merton a safe and welcoming place for residents, businesses, and visitors

·         Reducing the threat of crime and anti-social behaviour in Merton and working closely with Police and Community Safety partnerships

·         Leading on a knife crime strategy for the borough

·         Point of contact with Borough Command Unit and Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime


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