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Election results for Graveney

Local Elections - Thursday 5 May 2022

Graveney - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Linda Kirby Labour Party 2182 26% Elected
Sheri Ann Bhim Labour Party 2097 25% Elected
Billy Hayes Labour Party 2009 24% Elected
Rupert Arthur Stevens Green Party 422 5%
Louis Joseph Altman Local Conservatives 385 5%
Sally Patricia Hammond Local Conservatives 363 4%
Ricky Bonsu Osei Local Conservatives 323 4%
Christine Peace Liberal Democrat 199 2%
Yue Hang Ho Liberal Democrat 166 2%
Quresh Shehab Mukadam Liberal Democrat 142 2%
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 8288
Electorate 8208
Number of ballot papers issued 2899
Number of ballot papers rejected 7
Turnout 35%
Share of the votes (%)
Linda Kirby 26% Elected
Sheri Ann Bhim 25% Elected
Billy Hayes 24% Elected
Rupert Arthur Stevens 5%
Louis Joseph Altman 5%
Sally Patricia Hammond 4%
Ricky Bonsu Osei 4%
Christine Peace 2%
Yue Hang Ho 2%
Quresh Shehab Mukadam 2%
Rejected ballot papers
Unmarked or void for uncertainty3
Voting for more than stipulated number of candidates4
Total rejected7