A. That Cabinet agreed the Merton Council Cost-of-Living Strategy and Action Plan 2023-25, attached at Appendix I.
B. That Cabinet agreed the indicative proposals for the second tranche of the Cost-of-Living Emergency Support Fund, as set out in Table 1 and at paragraphs 3.10-3.31, including further development of proposals around the CroydonPlus, the Credit Union for Merton, Sutton and Croydon, set out at 3.20.
C. That Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Interim Executive Director for Innovation and Change, in consultation with the Cabinet member for Finance and Corporate Services to make the final decisions relating to this second tranche of funding.
D. Following receipt of the Household Support Fund guidelines on 20 February, that Cabinet delegated authority to the Interim Executive Director for Innovation and Change, in consultation with the Cabinet member for Finance and Corporate Services to make allocations of this fund.
E. That Cabinet noted further work to support residents since the last update report to Cabinet in January