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Issue - decisions

Merton's Civic Pride Fund - Investing in Neighbourhoods using Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy funding

26/09/2022 - Merton's Civic Pride Fund - Investing in Neighbourhoods using Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy funding



1. That Cabinet approve the replacement of the Neighbourhood Fund with a new funding regime called the “Civic Pride Fund – Investing in Neighbourhoods”

2. That Cabinet approve the council’s new overarching priority supported by the three principles set out in paragraph 2.5 as part of bid selection under the new Fund.

3. That Cabinet note the proposed timetable for bidding set out at paragraph 5

4. That Cabinet endorse the heads of terms and note the draft timetable for consideration of priorities and implementation for a new Ward Allocation Scheme set out at paragraphs 2.12 to 2.13 and 5