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Issue - decisions

Disposal of Surplus Property Assets

08/12/2021 - Disposal of Surplus Property Assets



A. That the properties listed in the appendix be declared surplus to council requirements.

B. That the properties listed in the appendix be marketed for housing as soon as they are ready for sale provided the Director of Environment and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, considers that the market is favourable.

C. That authority was delegated to the Director of Environment and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member, to determine which of the properties listed in the appendix be sold on one or more of the following terms:

Option 1. Disposal to maximise capital receipt; or

Option 2. Disposal to provide redevelopment with 50% affordable Housing; or

Option 3. Disposal to provide redevelopment with 100% affordable housing.

And on such other terms as he considers are prudent and in the best interests of the Council in concluding a disposal of the properties.

D. That the Director of Environment and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member, is authorised to use delegated powers to make any other decisions that are required to facilitate the conclusion of the disposal of the properties.

E. That members noted that work is underway on wider housing matters including selective licensing and an Article 4 Direction requiring planning permission for smaller Houses in Multiple Occupation set out in paragraphs 2.16-2.22.