A. That Cabinet appointed the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Director of Corporate Services and the Managing Director of the South London Legal Partnership (the Shareholder Panel) to act as the Council’s Shareholder Representatives for the purposes of taking decisions on the matters reserved for the Council as the sole shareholder in CHAS 2013 Limited (“the Company”), except for the matters listed in paragraph 2.12 of this report which shall be reserved for decision by the Cabinet;
B. That Cabinet approved the revised articles of association and shareholder agreement attached as appendix A and B respectively, subject to any changes which the Shareholder Panel consider reasonably necessary in order to protect the Council’s interests;
C. That Cabinet approved the proposed new company structure set out in paragraph 2.2 and that to delegate authority to the Shareholder Panel to agree the articles of association and any shareholder agreement relating to that new structure and to make any necessary applications in order to effect those changes;
D. That Cabinet authorised the Shareholder Panel to agree the proposal for the Company to acquire Company X at such at a price and on such terms as in their view, having taken such advice as may be appropriate, represents a fair and proper commercial consideration;
E. That Cabinet noted that decisions by the Shareholder Panel will, where appropriate, be taken in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance.