A. ThatCabinetnotethefinancialreportingdataformonth8,November2021,relatingtorevenuebudgetarycontrol,showinga forecastnetadversevarianceatyearendonnetserviceexpenditureof£5.008m,increasingto£7.358mwhencorporateandfundingitemsareincluded,a decreaseof£1.177mcomparedtolastmonth
B. ThatCMTnotethecontentsofSection5 andapprovetheadjustmentstotheCapitalProgrammecontainedin Appendix5band5d,subjecttothereceiptofprojectplansforthoseschemeswherefullslippagehasbeenrequested
ThatCabinetnotethecontentsofSection5,Appendix5band5dofthereportandapprovetheadjustmentstotheCapitalProgrammein theTablebelow:
Budget 2021-22 |
Budget 2022-23 |
Budget 2023-24 |
Budget 2024-25 |
Narrative |
Corporate Services |
£ |
£ |
£ |
Westminster Coroners Court |
402,000 |
Increase in estimate orig. estimate 5 years old |
Community and Housing |
Disabled Facilities Grant - General |
200,000 |
(200,000) |
Virement to fund projected outturn |
Major projects – Social Care H – Learning Disability Aff Housing |
(50,000) |
2021-22 Budget moved to Rev. for Feas studies |
Children, Schools and Families |
Haslemere – Capital Maintenance |
(160,000) |
160,000 |
Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend |
Harris Morden – Harris Morden Community Sports Pitch |
(70,000) |
70,000 |
Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend |
Raynes Park – Capital Maintenance |
(21,000) |
21,000 |
Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend |
Ricards Lodge – Capital Maintenance |
(21,610) |
21,610 |
Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend |
Rutlish – Capital Maintenance |
(20,000) |
20,000 |
Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend |
Melrose Whatley Avenue Expansion |
(150,000) |
150,000 |
Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend |
Melrose School Expansion |
252,020 |
Virement to cover expected outturn |
Unallocated SEN Expansion Budget |
(20,000) |
(232,020) |
Virement to cover expected outturn |
Youth Provision – Pollards Hill Digital Divide |
(160,000) |
160,000 |
Re-profiled in accordance with projected spend |
Budget 2021-22 |
Budget 2022-23 |
Budget 2023-24 |
Budget 2024-25 |
Narrative |
EnvironmentandRegeneration |
OffStreetParking- P&D- CarPark Upgrades |
(60,000) |
60,000 |
Re-profiledinaccordancewith projected spend projectedspend |
Highways& Footways- Highway Bridges& Structures |
(684,000) |
684,000 |
Re-profiledinaccordancewith projected spend projectedspend |
Highways& Footways- TfL PrincipalRoads |
(6,600) |
0 |
TfLadjustmentto funding |
Highways& Footways- Culverts |
(488,430) |
488,430 |
Re-profiledinaccordancewith projectedspend |
CycleRouteImprovements- Morden CyclePath |
(107,220) |
107,220 |
Re-profiledinaccordancewith projected spend projectedspend |
CycleRouteImprovements- Cycle LaneWorksPloughLane |
(100,000) |
100,000 |
Re-profiledinaccordancewith projected spend projectedspend |
MitchamAreaRegeneration- ElmwoodCentreHub |
(65,000) |
65,000 |
Re-profiledinaccordancewith projected spend projectedspend |
WimbledonArea Regeneration- WimbledonPublicRealm |
(100,000) |
0 |
VirementofSCILMoneyto WimbHill Scheme |
WimbledonArea Regeneration- WimbledonHill Rd |
154,850 |
0 |
UtilisingSCIL& NCILFunding |
WimbledonArea Regeneration- HaydonsRd PublicRealm |
(80,000) |
80,000 |
Re-profiledinaccordancewith projected spend projectedspend |
MordenAreaRegeneration- Crown CreativeKnowledgeExchange |
(75,000) |
75,000 |
Re-profiledinaccordancewith projected spend projectedspend |
ParksInvestment- Wimb.Park TennisCourts |
(150,440) |
150,440 |
Re-profiledinaccordancewith projected spend projectedspend |
ParksInvestment- Wimb.ParkWater Play |
(226,000) |
226,000 |
Re-profiledinaccordancewith projected spend projectedspend |
TfLUnallocatedBudget |
(495,250) |
Removalof unawarded EstimatedTfL Allocation |
Total |
(2,703,680) |
2,808,680 |
0 |
(200,000) |
Department |
YourMertonProject |
£ |
CorporateServices |
Communicatingourimprovementsto residents& businesses |
125,000 |
CorporateServices |
Culturalimprovementsto Mertonstaffandtheir wellbeing |
140,000 |
E&R |
Don'tMesswithMerton |
415,000 |
E&R |
SafetyofWomenandGirls |
15,000 |
YouthFund |
10,000 |
ApprenticeshipCoordinator– VulnerableGroups |
45,000 |
Total |
750,000 |