A. That Cabinet noted the significant number of objections in the consultation to expand Merton Medical Education Services by moving into Lavender (London Road) Nursery and that, for the reasons outlined in this paper, the Lavender (London Road) Nursery building remains the only affordable option to house Merton Medical Education Services and provide sufficient provision for the borough’s growing number of children with medical needs.
B. That Cabinet agreed to engage stakeholders on two options to implement from January 2022: The first, to continue with the council’s proposal as per the January 2021 consultation proposal. The second, to proceed with an augmented option that will provide a continuation of the Lavender Nursery full-time day care provision in other Children, Schools and Families building(s) in Lavender Ward in addition to re-providing the sessional places for children aged 2, thus maintaining the service in alternative premises within reasonable proximity to the current site.