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Agenda item

Performance update: Education Care and Health Plans (EHCPs)


Jane McSherry, Assistant Director of Education, introduced the item highlighting that the timeliness of ECHPs has been a focus for the Panel for some time and that as a result it had requested a deep dive in order to fully understand this matter.  The increase in the number of ECHPs requested was noted as being higher than the increase in Merton’s population.  However, not all requests are accepted; there is a process used to assess if requests should be accepted.  Agreed that the number of plans issued within the statutory 20 week timescale is lower than wanted but that this has improved (47% of plans are now issued within 20 weeks).  It was also noted that the number of tribunals resulting from the ECHP process has notably decreased.  This is seen as resulting from the extent parents are now positively involved in the ECHP process.  At the same time as having to issue ECHPs within the 20 week timeframe, existing SEN statements all have to be transferred to ECHPs by March 2018.  The Department is on track to achieve this target.


In response to member questions officers (Jane McSherry and Karla Finikin, Service Manager, SEN & Disabilities Integrated Service), clarified:

1.    Streamlining: examples of how the ECHP process has been streamlined in order to meet the 20 week target include getting requests to the assessment panel quicker (now within two rather than six weeks) which allows additional time for processing if the request is accepted, documentation has been reviewed to ensure it is easier to complete and training has been undertaken with personnel in other departments to ensure they are able to engage in the process effectively and efficiently;

2.    Online files: the process is necessarily information heavy which has historically resulted in a lot of paper files.  Now that this is all online through the new Mosaic system, it means all information is kept in one place and can be more easily accessed by all those involved.  However, it is not yet possible for Mosaic files to be accessed externally and cannot yet be used by the SEN team;

3.    Assessment of requests for ECHPs: there is a multidisciplinary approach to assessing requests for ECHPs; whilst schools are involved in the assessment process this isn’t solely reliant on the information schools provide.  Others such as educational psychologists, social care, paediatric specialists etc are also involved;

4.    Rejected requests: where requests for an ECHP are assessed and rejected, the expectation is that a child’s needs will be met through the SEN Support provision;

5.    Independent provision: the increase use of independent provision reflects the overall increase in ECHPs being issued (resulting from the increase in the Merton population and the rise in the age requirements; going from 18 to 25 years).  The use of independent provision is something that is being kept under review and which the department is seeking to address through increased maintained provision (for example, through the expansion at Perseid).  Continued use of independent provision will depend on need – use will continue if demand continues to grow.  Highlighted the use of dynamic purchasing and working through a consortium to keep costs down;

6.    Expansion of maintained provision: it is difficult to suggest that the need for Perseid to expand should have been predicted earlier.  This started in 2009 and reflects a changing profile of needs resulting from an increase in prevalence, changes to diagnosis and expectations; and

7.    Children and young people from a Black and Minority Ethnic background: the number of children and young people from a Black and Minority Ethnic background that have a SEN Statement or EHCP is proportionate to the composition of the school population in Merton.


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