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Agenda item

30 Griffiths Road, Wimbledon, SW19 1SP (Ref. 15/P4370 (Abbey Ward)

Officer Recommendation:
Grant Permission subject to S.106 Obligation and conditions.


1. Proposal Demolition of existing three storey block and the erection of a part three, part four storey building providing 21 residential units (3 x 1, 14 x 2 and 4 x 3) with associated landscaping, parking & access arrangements.


2. Updated Plans – Officers advised the floor plans circulated with the main agenda didn’t show the most recent amendments to the scheme on which neighbours had been consulted; apologised for this; indicated that updated plans had been circulated to Committee members at the start of the meeting; and explained that the main changes on the updated plans included a reduction in scale due to the loss of one unit at second floor level and omission of second floor balconies.  (NB The updated plans circulated at the meeting – already on Merton’s web-site with the application papers- were subsequently also published on Merton’s web-site with the agenda papers for this meeting.)


3. Affordable Housing – Officers referred to concerns raised by objectors that the proposed development would result in the loss of existing affordable housing on the site.  Officers advised that this would not be the case as -
(a) the original planning permission in the 1960’s for the buildings currently on the site didn’t include any conditions restricting who the flats could be let to;

(b) the previous owner of the site, the Metropolitan Police, was not a registered social landlord, but had let the site to the Crown Housing Association who had found their own tenants; and

(c) the advice of the Council’s Policy Unit was that in these circumstances, there were no grounds to refuse the current application by reason of loss of existing affordable housing.


3.1 Affordable Housing Contribution – Review – Reference was made to the proposed contribution of £200k towards affordable housing off site (as detailed in para. 10.1.2, agenda page 109).  Members expressed concern that due to increasing property prices, the viability of the scheme and this contribution figure needed to be subject to further review once the scheme was built.  Officers confirmed that it would be possible for any approval to be subject to the proposed Section 106 Agreement including an additional provision for a review mechanism for determining whether an increased affordable housing contribution can be provided later in the development timetable.


3.2 As indicated below, the Committee subsequently agreed that any approval be subject to such a review mechanism and that officers be delegated authority to agree the detailed wording required.


4 Controlled Parking Zone – Reference was made to the possible impact of the development on on-street parking in the area, especially in the evening outside of the hours when the local CPZ (Controlled Parking Zone) was in force.  A member suggested that the proposed Section 106 Agreement also include a financial contribution towards a review of the CPZ.  Officers explained that, as far as they were aware,  there were currently no plans to review this CPZ at present, and as indicated below, the Committee didn’t agree to such an additional provision to the Section 106 Agreement.


5. Sustainable Homes – In response to a members query regarding encouraging the use of sustainable energy measures, officers advised that proposed condition (12) (Sustainable Homes) would be fleshed out and would refer to such issues if needed.


6. Approval Motion – Following considerable discussion of the above matters and other issues including privacy, daylight, sunlight, overshadowing and density, it was moved and seconded that permission be granted.  The motion was carried by 8 votes to 1 (Councillor Abigail Jones dissenting; and Councillor Tobin Byers abstaining).


Decision: Item 7 - ref. 15/P4370 (30 Griffiths Road, Wimbledon, SW19 1SP)


(A) GRANT PERMISSION subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement and subject to the conditions set out in the officer case report and the tabled modifications sheet, and subject to the following.


(i) Affordable Housing Contribution – Review – The Section 106 Agreement to include an additional provision for a review mechanism for determining whether an increased affordable housing contribution can be provided later in the development timetable, subject to (B) below.


(B) Delegation - The Director of Environment & Regeneration be delegated authority to agree the detailed wording of the additional provision for the Affordable Housing Contribution – Review.

Supporting documents: