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Agenda item

Preventing incontinence amongst women of child bearing age - Merton Clinical Commissioning Group response to recommendations


Catrina Charlton, Senior Commissioning Manager gave an overview of the report stating that services for urinary incontinence cuts across a number of areas including; planned care, maternity and elderly care. As  Merton Clinical Commissioning Group do not commission maternity services,  they are working with partners in the South West London collaborative to deliver the recommendations in the task group report. The aim is to develop a unified service specification where continence issues are included and addressed.

A panel member asked for confirmation on the timescales for delivery. The Senior Commissioning Manager reported that it will be implemented during 2016/17 although this needs to be confirmed with the maternity network.

A panel member asked if staff are involved in implementing the task group recommendations and understand the impetus to improve continence services. The Senior Commissioning Manager reported that staff will be responsible for asking patients if they have had the relevant continence checks. A patient survey will provide feedback from this process and ensure that the relevant questions are being asked.


A panel member asked what monitoring, review and evaluation processes will be put in place. The Senior Commissioning Manager said a number of different pathways were responsible for implementing the recommendations. 

The Chair asked for lead officers within each of the pathways to report on their work as the Panel would like clarity about what will be achieved and the associated timescales. The Senior Commissioning Manager said the continence service is currently out to tender, MCCG has strengthened the specification for urinary incontinence in light of the task group recommendations.


A panel member asked what success will look like in relation to the proposed changes to the continence service. The Senior Commissioning Manager said the results of the patient survey will be a measure of success. Also when more people come to the service to get help and advice and there is greater awareness about what services are available.


A panel member asked what progress had been made to date. The Senior Commissioning Manager said a foundation for this work has been put in place. The task group report has raised the profile of the issue, the maternity services spec has been developed and shared with the sector.


A panel member asked how MCCG will reach hard to reach groups in regards to continence services. The Senior Commissioning Manager said they will work closely with the public health team to achieve this aim.

Julia Groom, Consultant in Public Health said health visitors will have an important role in talking to people about urinary incontinence. The transfer of health visitors to public health will provide a useful opportunity to ensure these messages are embedded into statutory organisations.


The Senior Commissioning Manager said MCCG will not be able to identify champions within the organisation because of resource issues therefore they will  work closely with the public health champions. The Chair queried who will be held to account for this work as this will provide reassurance to the panel that it will be implemented. Senior directors should be asked to report on their progress. The Senior Commissioning Manager agreed to include it within the reporting requirements.




The Senior Commissioning Manager to write to the Panel, through the scrutiny officer to confirm timescales for the implementation of the recommendations incontinence task group.


The Senior Commissioning Manager to including incontinence issues within the reporting requirements to the Clinical Reference Group


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