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Agenda item

187 Commonside East, Mitcham, CR4 1HB (Ref 14/P0729) (Pollards Hill Ward)

Officer Recommendation:
Grant Permission subject to conditions.


1. Proposal: Demolition of existing detached house and the erection of a part two part three storey block of 9 self-contained flats (5 x 2 bedroom and 4 x 1 bedroom).


2. Extra Conditions – Construction Works – Whilst introducing this item, officers suggested that although the officers report already suggested two conditions to mitigate the effects of construction works - namely, Condition (4) (Working Method Statement) and Condition (5) (Demolition: Dust and Noise) – the following extra conditions should be imposed to further mitigate the effects of construction works -
(a) Hours of construction/demolition works
(b) Control of dust/air pollution arising from the construction works/vehicles; and

(c) Management of construction vehicles.


2.1 As indicated below, the Committee subsequently agreed to these extra conditions and also that officers be delegated authority to agree the detailed wording of the above extra conditions.


3. Undercroft Area – Officers referred to concerns raised by the Metropolitan Police about the undercroft areas (as detailed on the tabled modifications sheet); and advised that the undercroft areas were small and had been redesigned.


4. Orientation of flats – Officers confirmed that plans had initially shown the proposed block of flats with its pedestrian entrance at the rear, but that at officers suggestion (for better urban design), the block had been turned through 180 degrees so that its only pedestrian entrance faced Commonside East; and pedestrian access to the car park at the rear was now down the side of the flats.


5. Car Parking Area – Landscaping Strip – Reference was made to concerns raised by the occupier of the adjacent residential property at 189 Commonside East regarding the proposed car parking area at the rear of the development, including cars possibly damaging the fence to the garden of 189 Commonside East and security concerns (see also para.5 below).  Officers confirmed that there would be a landscaping strip between the car parking area and the fence to the garden of 189 Commonside East.


6. Extra condition - Access gate - Reference was made to concerns raised by residents about the security of the proposed car parking area at the rear of the development, including the car parking area being open to the public.  A members suggested the possibility of requiring the addition of a gate to limit access to the development (to occupiers of the development only) as had happened at some other sites.  Officers advised that the access to the site off Commonside East was near a busy junction and such an access gate on the boundary of the site could lead to vehicles queuing back onto the road leading to highway safety problems, but that it should be possible to redesign the access layout so that any gate was well within the application site and not cause highway safety problems.


6.1 As indicated below, the Committee subsequently agreed to an extra condition being imposed requiring such an access gate and also that officers be delegated authority to agree the detailed wording of this extra condition.


Decision: Item 6- ref. 14/P0729 (187 Commonside East, Mitcham, CR4 1HB)

(A) GRANT PERMISSION subject to the conditions set out in the officer case report and the tabled modifications sheet, and subject to the following extra conditions subject to (B) below -

(i) Extra Conditions - Construction Works -
(a) Hours of construction/demolition works
(b) Control of dust/air pollution arising from the construction works and vehicles; and

(c) Management of construction vehicles.


(ii) Extra Condition - Access gate - requiring the addition of a gate to limit access to the development (to occupiers of the development only) and an associated redesign of the access layout.


(B) Delegation:The Director of Environment & Regeneration be delegated authority to agree the detailed wording of the above extra conditions.

Supporting documents: