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Agenda item

Update of the Council's Statement of Licensing Policy and proposed CIZ for Mitcham Town Centre


The Licensing Manager introduced the updated version of the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and asked members to note that the document included the amendments discussed at the Licensing Committee on 24 February 2015.  The Licensing Manager asked the Committee to note that the ‘model pool of conditions’ referenced in the report would be available from the Institute of Licensing prior to the next Committee meeting on 20 October 2015 and could form an annexe to the Statement of Licensing Policy.


The Committee considered the model conditions document of Westminster Council as an example of what such a document might look like.  Members discussed how the Sub-Committee could use these model conditions when making decisions. It was noted that this was potentially a lengthy document and that it would be for members to refer to during their decision making closed session, but that they could still request guidance from the legal representative at an appropriate time.  The Senior Lawyer advised against any form of checklist being created as any prior consideration of conditions could be deemed to be pre-determination.


Members hoped that the Institute of Licensing model conditions would be indexed or grouped for ease of use.  The Licensing Manager reported that a lot of work had gone into the Institute of Licensing document and that he would circulate it when it became available.  The Committee agreed to wait for the Institute of Licensing model conditions and to review this document at the next Committee Meeting, if acceptable it would be added to the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy as an annexe.


The Committee noted the addition of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy to the Statement of Licensing Policy and asked the Senior Lawyer to give advice, at the next meeting, on how much weight should be given to this strategy in comparison to the guidance from other organisations.


The Committee discussed the proposed Cumulative Impact Zone (CIZ) for Mitcham Town Centre and the surrounding area.  It was noted that there were two amendments required in the report on page 60 when describing the boundaries of the proposed CIZ, the second bullet point should read London Road to Seely (not Steel) Road and Tooting station should be described as a National Rail Station (not overground).  The Licensing Manager explained that the CIZ proposed covered areas where problems had been reported, and that the views of local businesses and residents gained from the consultation would provide the evidence to inform future decisions.  He confirmed that there was some flexibility in moving/extending the area covered depending on the evidence gained from the consultation.


The Committee were asked if, for the purposes of the consultation, they wanted to include all licensed premises in the CIZ or just those with off sales.  The Committee concluded that they would like to see all premises included, at this stage, and then review this decision based on the evidence gained from the consultation.


Members asked what residents could do about premises that they believed caused problems. The Licensing manager urged residents to report any incidents to the Police or Trading Standards particularly if it involved sales of alcohol to underage people. He also added that there were separate powers to deal with street drinking but it had to be reported in order to be dealt with.  Members asked about drinking in parks and heard that this also can be dealt with by the authority, under the designated dispersal zone, and the Police if reported.  The Licensing manager reminded members that they could report incidents to him and that his email address was:




A.   The Licensing Committee approved the recommended amendments to the revised Statement of Licensing Policy, with amendments following the responsible authorities meeting, and the previous Licensing Committee meeting, which took place on 24 February 2015, before the start of the public consultation.


B.   The Licensing Committee discussed the recommendations contained within the report in respect of the proposed Cumulative Impact Zone (CIZ) Mitcham Town Centre, including the roads and areas as discussed by Members during the Licensing Committee meeting, which took place on 24 February 2015. And that these recommendations will be part of the public consultation processes for the revised Statement of Licensing Policy.

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