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Agenda item

Inward Investment Strategy - Progress Report


This was an exempt agenda item; however, none of the following discussion includes exempt information contained within that report.


Paul McGarry welcomed comments on the draft inward investment strategy before its consideration by Cabinet in October 2014. The strategy aimed to carry out activities that would promote the borough as a great place for businesses to locate. Research was commissioned from Colliers International to look at the opportunities for the borough and how the council might capitalise on the Wimbledon brand to support economic buoyancy in the borough.  The council also consulted on what attracted investors to the borough. This strategy is also linked to the council’s regeneration and economic growth programmes which the council aims to bring together. Cabinet will agree the strategy and the funding to support its delivery in October 2014.


Councillor Andrew Judge noted the location issues associated with attracting investment. However, there was a comprehensive regeneration of Morden town centre planned and an improved retail offer was part of this. There were also opportunities to capitalise on Merton Abbey Mills and the Wimbledon School of Arts to expand the creative sector in Merton. A number of graduates for example were looking to start creative businesses in the borough and Merton should facilitate this.


Councillor Andrew Judge also raised the opportunities presented by Cross rail 2 for Merton to attract investment.


Councillor Abigail Jones expressed her concerns about the focus on Wimbledon in the strategy and asked if other areas had been considered. Paul McGarry explained that there is a demand for office space in Wimbledon but that they will also look at other areas an how to attract investment.


Councillor John Sargeant asked if the actions to deliver the strategy had been shared with residents in Wimbledon and if the impact of attracting investment on the quality of residential areas in the town centre had been considered. Furthermore, had officers considered how to manage the potential disruption this might cause?


James McGinlay confirmed that the council had spoken to the business community. There was also a Future Wimbledon Conference and Future Merton Competition to raise awareness, consult and seek ideas.


Paul McGarry added that delivery of the regeneration programme also impacted as the council do not own a lot of the land that could be used and that consultation is underway to find out what the appetite is for such development. For example, a recent consultation programme asked what Wimbledon should look like and responses have just been received which will raise debate about plans for the area and inform planning.


Councillor Andrew Judge added that the master planning phase would take place after the competition. Wimbledon also had other selling points such as being very well connected in terms of transport links that they would wish to highlight.


Councillor Janice Howard added that investment should also be made into improving the road network as we cannot assume people will get on public transport. James McGinlay agreed that the council would need to look at this and the supporting infrastructure when looking at attracting investment.


Councillor Ross Garrod added that he was excited about the proposals and asked if timescales for the programme would be impacted by waiting on the outcome of the crossrail decision. Councillor Ross Garrod also asked what scope there was for the council to encourage and allow more office developments.


Paul McGarry explained that the council did not need to wait for the Crossrail decision and that there have been discussions with landowners to identify sites for office developments.


James McGinlay added that Merton council is an enabler and as planning authority they need to determine what the right kind of developments is. Plans will inevitably change and once the council has engaged with prospective investors, they need to be clear that they will follow through on them. The council also competes with other boroughs and central London in terms of attracting investment.


Councillor Russell Makin asked if the council had any say on crossrail 2. James McGinlay confirmed that the council have been consulted on route options.


Councillor Daniel Holden asked how many sites would be protected linked to the Crossrail 2 development and stated that the council should be careful not to let office space encroach on residential areas.


Paul McGarry explained that north of Wimbledon station had been safeguarded.


RESOLVED:  Panel noted the report.