Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices
Contact: Amy Dumitrescu, Head of Democracy Services, Email:
Link: View the meeting here
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes:Apologies were received from Councillor Galea. It was noted that post-agenda publication, Councillor Alambritis had been appointed to the Committee, replacing Councillor Christie. |
Declarations of pecuniary interest Minutes:There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes:RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2024 were agreed as an accurate record. |
Appointment of Chief Officers Additional documents:Minutes:The Executive Director Innovation and Change presented the report, noting that there was one new post which was required to be approved as part of the Council’s Budget. Now that the Budget had been approved by Council, the role was being presented to committee. The role sat within the finance directorate and the paper outlined the role, which was intended to be advertised in the second tranch of senior recruitment, using the same recruiter as was being currnetly used.
In response to questions from Committee members, the Executive Director advised that applicants would need understanding of local government finance but that the person specification enabled the Council to look in a variety of places and to be creative including looking within the commercial sector as well as those within Local Government.
A. That the Appointments Committee recommends that Full Council agrees to the salary package for the Director of Commercialisation role outlined in section 2 below in accordance with the Council’s Pay Policy Statement.
B. That the Appointments Committee delegate to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Appointments Committee, the authority to amend the Job Description for the post, where those amendments will not lead to a change of salary range.
C. That the Appointments Committee delegates the implementation of the recruitment process for the Director of Commercialisation post to the Executive Director of Innovation and Change in consultation with the Chair of the Appointments Committee.
D. To note that an Appointments Sub-Committee has been established for the post of Executive Director for Children, Lifelong Learning, and Families, further to the announcement of the retirement of the current postholder, and as agreed at the last meeting of the Committee. |