Venue: Council chamber - Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX. View directions
Link: View the meeting live here
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes:The Chair announced that Diane Griffin, Co-opted Member has stepped down from the Panel with immediate effect. Cllr Akyigyina thanked Di Griffin for her work on the Panel over many years.
Councillor Ellie Cox sent apologies and Michael Paterson attended as a substitute.
Simon McGrath sent apologies and Councillor Tony Reiss attended as a substitute.
Declarations of pecuniary interest Minutes:There were no declarations of pecuniary interests |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 47 KB Minutes:The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record. |
NHS Breast Screening Programme PDF 1 MB Minutes:
Panel members expressed concern that there is no breast screening clinic in Merton. It was reported that sites need to be the right size and secure and have links to transport. Town centre-based sites increase uptake. The current sites cover the Merton area in relation to time journeys. This is reflected in the higher uptake rate in Merton.
A panel member thanked colleagues for the report and welcomed the improvement. The panel member said It is important we have a screening site in Merton. The Wilson hospital or a mobile van could be potential sites, travelling out of borough is unacceptable as we need to consider sustainable travel. There is no wheelchair access at Robinhood centre.
It was reported there is now a wheelchair access at Sutton site. Mobile units can lead to delays in screening and delays in Network connectivity for transferring information.
NHS Colleagues said we need clarity on whether a Merton site is required. Improved uptake is not necessarily linked to local sites. Havering has a higher uptake rate, high before the pandemic, recovered screening backlog much quicker, less workforce issues due to smaller service. A number of factors have contributed to the Havering uptake.
A panel member said communication is needed to help improve immunisation uptake. Councillors can reach out to local communities and should be provided with key immunisations messages which can be shared in public forums.
The Young Inspector asked for clarification on the screening age and support for care leavers. NHS colleagues reported that research shows main risk is female and increases with age, rare in young women screening is for 50 to 71 years. Younger women are offered the screening if they at risk. Breast care should be taught to all women, the NHS try to support schools and share messages.
RESOLVED The chair thanked NHS colleagues for their report and asked them to give further consideration to a breast screening unit in Merton. NHS Colleagues will provide short message for councillors to share at meetings.
Annual Public Health Report PDF 140 KB Additional documents:Minutes:The Director of Public Health gave an overview the report, which looks at health improvement and health promotion and action on climate change. A panel member welcomed the Beat the Streets Initiative.
A panel member thanked officers for the report and asked about the targets and actions to scrutinise and how the report will work across the council to make a difference. The Director of Public Health said the aim of the report was to raise awareness and start a discussion. The HWBB and existing infrastructure will be used for creative thinking and councillors can be real advocates.
A panel member said the report is very high level, there is a climate emergency which requires immediate action and a radical approach. The Director of Public Health said the purpose of the report is to look for opportunities such as within the new Integrated Care Partnership. The NHS has declared an emergency and the context has improved.
The Cabinet Member said the council recognise the climate emergency and are working to address it.
A panel member said walking and cycling can be quite hostile, lorries and skips and waiting to cross the road. The Director of Public Health said there are three super zones around schools to make them safer.
Report of the Health and Wellbeing Board 2022 PDF 395 KB Minutes:The Director of Public Health gave an overview of the report.
It was reported that the Executive Director of Environment Civic Pride and Climate will also join the Health and Well Being Board.
The Chair thanked the Director of Public Health for her report.
Planning the Panel's 2023-24 Work Programme PDF 89 KB Additional documents:Minutes:Panel Members recommended the following topics for future meetings: Update on St Helier Hospital and lack of capital investment over a long period of time.
Respite care and adult learning difficulties