Venue: Council chamber - Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX. View directions
Link: View the meeting live here
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes:Apologies for absence were received from Diane Griffin, Co-opted Member.
Declarations of pecuniary interest Minutes:There were no declarations of pecuniary interests |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 61 KB Minutes:The minutes of the precious meeting were agreed as a true and accurate |
Impact of the Pandemic on Mental Health PDF 74 KB Additional documents:Minutes:The Chief Executive of South West London and St Georges Mental Health Trust gave an overview of the report.
A panel member asked what can be done to help communities, the Chief Executive said building resilience in communities will be important.
A panel member asked about support in Merton for those with eating disorders and what is the role of the Wilson Heath Centre. The Chief Executive said there is treatment for children and adults, there are hubs at the Wilson and intensive outreach to reduce inpatient facilities. There is support at both mental and physical health facilities.
A panel member said 18 weeks is a long time to wait for treatment. The Chief Executive said waiting times are agreed nationally and there are not enough resources to treat people more quickly.
A panel member asked about proposals for £140m savings in local health services and the impact on mental health. The Chief Executive said they work as part of the Integrated Care Partnership, levelling up money means mental health money is protected, there is a significant challenge in saving healthcare monies.
A panel member asked for more information about how the £140m savings will be made, it was agreed this will be requested for a future meeting.
A panel member asked how they are working with voluntary sector and addressing the cost-of-living crisis. The Chief Executive said there has been engagement with the voluntary sector through the South West London Strategy with seven hundred responses so far and further rounds of consultation to take place. The impact of the cost-of-living crisis in mental health has begun but further impacts are expected.
A panel member asked where people go to get help with their mental health. The Chief Executive said we need to build community resilience, reduce stigma, and increase numbers of mental health aid workers who are trained to sign post people.
A panel member thanked the Chief Executive for their work on Galpin’s Road and asked if the Trust is filling vacancies by recruiting from abroad. The Chief Executive said they are redesigning the workforce, planning for skills, utilising new roles such as nursing associates. There is a campaign for special registered doctors from abroad.
A panel member asked about planned savings within the mental health trust, where will savings be made and how will this impact Merton residents The Chief Executive said there are significant challenges in South West London. There is a £6 million savings required. Mental health investment standards will be made next year this will provide further detail.
RESOLVED The Chief Executive was thanked for her report
Long Covid - Service Update PDF 3 MB Additional documents:Minutes:The Director of Transformation gave an overview of the report In response to questions, it
was reported that: There is not a significant
variation in Long Covid across London Services for people with Long
Covid will be available over the long term and they are being
promoted in the community to encourage people to seek
support. There are differences between
referral rates amongst GPs because of the general nature of symptoms which may not have been
attributed to Long Covid. Money for Long Covid services
have been allocated from central government The Director of Public Health said we are still learning about Long Covid and data is new, research is taking place to enable further understanding.
RESOLVED The Director of Transformation was thanked for his report.
Suicide Prevention Update PDF 200 KB Additional documents:
Minutes:The Senior Public Health Principal gave an overview of the report highlighting this is a sensitive subject and each statistic represents a person’s life and bereaved families.
A panel member asked if the Online Safety Bill can support suicide prevention.
The Senior Public Health Principal said dialogue with young people is helpful and pro-suicide sites is a risk factor so any legislation will support the agenda. The Chief Executive of the South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust said constant access to social media and talking around self harm can exacerbate these issues.
A panel member asked what support is available to parents. The Senior Public Health Principal said there is bereavement and peer support.
A panel member asked if gambling has an impact. The Senior Public Health Principal said it is a risk factor which relates to suicide.
The Director of Public Health said Thrive London undertake preventative work on a range of areas including suicide, responses to contextual crisis such as Ukraine war. There is a Good Thinking app which provides mental health support.
RESOLVED The Senior Public Health Principal was thanked for his report.
Cabinet Member Priorities - Verbal Update PDF 163 KB Minutes:The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health gave a presentation setting out his priorities.
RESOLVED The Chair thanked the Cabinet Member for the update |
Minutes:The work programme was noted |