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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Committee Rooms CDE, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX

Contact: Amy Dumitrescu, Head of Democracy Services, Email: 

Link: View the meeting here

No. Item


Apologies for absence


The Leader of the Council welcomed Councillor Kaweesa and the Interim Executive Director Children, Lifelong Learning and Families to the meeting.


Apologies were received from Councillor Christie. Apologies were also received from the Chief Executive and the Executive Director Finance and Digital.


Councillors Stringer and Alambritis attended online.





Declarations of pecuniary interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 45 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2024 are agreed as an accurate record.


Recyclate Contract Award pdf icon PDF 173 KB



A. That Cabinet approval was granted to award the lots detailed in Appendix A for the handling, haulage and treatment of recyclates from 2025. These contracts will be awarded by the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames as the lead commissioner on behalf of the South London Waste Partnership (SLWP).

B. That Cabinet agreed that authority to take up then optional extensions on the contract be delegated to the Executive Director of Environment, Civic Pride and Climate by mutual agreement through the South London Waste Partnership (SLWP) Strategic Management Group (SMG)


The Leader of the Council announced that following the resignation of Councillor Irons the Cabinet Member for Local Environment, Greenspaces and Climate Change, the Leader would be taking on the portfolio on an interim basis. The Leader put on record their thanks to Councillor Irons for their dedication and hard work as a Councillor and Cabinet Member.


The Leader presented the report noting that the current arrangements would finish in March 2025 and the Council would be procuring collectively with the other Boroughs within the South London Waste Partnership on the contract award with Kingston taking the lead as the commissioning authority to ensure the best value for money. The benefits were outlined within the report and the preferred bidders had committed to social value including community projects.



A. That Cabinet approval was granted to award the lots detailed in Appendix A for the handling, haulage and treatment of recyclates from 2025. These contracts will be awarded by the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames as the lead commissioner on behalf of the South London Waste Partnership (SLWP).

B. That Cabinet agreed that authority to take up then optional extensions on the contract be delegated to the Executive Director of Environment, Civic Pride and Climate by mutual agreement through the South London Waste Partnership (SLWP) Strategic Management Group (SMG)


Expansion of Perseid School pdf icon PDF 157 KB




A. That Cabinet approved the expansion of Perseid School to provide an additional 28 places for children aged 3-11. This will increase the total capacity of Perseid School from 168 places to 196 places. The approval is conditional on the capital scheme being granted planning permission by 31 December 2024

B. That Cabinet noted the reason for this decision is to meet the need to provide sufficient local specialist state funded places for children with severe and complex learning difficulties, including learners with an additional diagnosis of autism and/or additional physical and/or sensory disabilities

C. That Cabinet delegated the decision to award the construction contract for the expansion works to the Executive Director of Children, Lifelong Learning and Families in consultation with the Executive Director of Finance and Digital and the Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning


The Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning presented the report noting the proposed expansion of the school size by 28 places in the lower school to meet the area of need.


In response to questions from the Cabinet, the Cabinet Member advised that the secondary areas might need to be looked at in the future, however preparations had been built into the proposal to consider that.




A. That Cabinet approved the expansion of Perseid School to provide an additional 28 places for children aged 3-11. This will increase the total capacity of Perseid School from 168 places to 196 places. The approval is conditional on the capital scheme being granted planning permission by 31 December 2024

B. That Cabinet noted the reason for this decision is to meet the need to provide sufficient local specialist state funded places for children with severe and complex learning difficulties, including learners with an additional diagnosis of autism and/or additional physical and/or sensory disabilities

C. That Cabinet delegated the decision to award the construction contract for the expansion works to the Executive Director of Children, Lifelong Learning and Families in consultation with the Executive Director of Finance and Digital and the Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning


Redevelopment of the Jan Malinowski Centre & Riverside Drive pdf icon PDF 249 KB

Additional documents:




A.    That Cabinet approved the preferred option to work jointly with Wandle Housing Association (“WHA”) to deliver a brand-new state of the art day centre with supported living units and general housing accommodation. This will include a land swap deal with WHA as set out at section 5 of the Report.

B.    That Cabinet approved the continued joint financial feasibility of the preferred option, and request that authority be delegated to the Director for Housing and Sustainable Development and the Executive Director for Adult Social Care in consultation with the Cabinet members/Portfolio Holders for Health and Social Care and Health and Housing and Sustainable Growth to finalise the negotiations with WHA and to agree the final Heads of Terms (HOT) including varying those HOT as required acting in the best interests of the Council subject to

(i)            Procurement Board Approval of any works contracts and agreements required to give effect to the proposal

(ii)           Approval by the s151 Officer

(iii)          Having complied with all, statutory procedures including the Public      Contract Regulations 2015 and obtained all statutory consents required to enable the Council to lawfully enter into any agreements and to thereafter authorise the completion of all documentation necessary to give effect to the HOT.

       C. That it was agreed to bring back to cabinet a request for approval of the funding requirements for the preferred option, following the completion of the joint financial feasibility


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care presented the report and an overview of the potential benefits of the proposal, thanking officers for their work and noting there had been considerable consultation with service users.


In response to questions from the Cabinet, the Cabinet Member advised that there aimed to be minimal disruption through a number of measures and there would be continued consultation with service users and their families.




A.    That Cabinet approved the preferred option to work jointly with Wandle Housing Association (“WHA”) to deliver a brand-new state of the art day centre with supported living units and general housing accommodation. This will include a land swap deal with WHA as set out at section 5 of the Report.

B.    That Cabinet approved the continued joint financial feasibility of the preferred option, and request that authority be delegated to the Director for Housing and Sustainable Development and the Executive Director for Adult Social Care in consultation with the Cabinet members/Portfolio Holders for Health and Social Care and Health and Housing and Sustainable Growth to finalise the negotiations with WHA and to agree the final Heads of Terms (HOT) including varying those HOT as required acting in the best interests of the Council subject to

(i)            Procurement Board Approval of any works contracts and agreements required to give effect to the proposal

(ii)           Approval by the s151 Officer

(iii)          Having complied with all, statutory procedures including the Public      Contract Regulations 2015 and obtained all statutory consents required to enable the Council to lawfully enter into any agreements and to thereafter authorise the completion of all documentation necessary to give effect to the HOT.

       C. That it was agreed to bring back to cabinet a request for approval of the funding requirements for the preferred option, following the completion of the joint financial feasibility


Integrated Sexual Health (ISH) services procurement pdf icon PDF 172 KB




That Cabinet:


A. Approved procurement approach (option 3) to use Direct Award Process C under the new Provider Selection Regime (PSR), to procure a new contract with the incumbent provider for a period of 2 years and continue the joint commissioning arrangements with Wandsworth (lead commissioner) and Richmond councils. All Merton governance processes will still be adhered to.

B. Approved the procurement timeline to award the contract by September 2024 for the new contract to start on 1st October 2024.

C. Approved the financial envelope for the contract.

D. Agreed that authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care (ASC), Integrated Care and Public Health to approve the award of the contract to the incumbent following all due processes. This will also allow alignment of procurement timelines with Wandsworth and Richmond councils.

E. In such circumstances, that the Authority has determined that the award of the contract must be made on the grounds of urgency, approval is given to delegate the decision to amend the procurement process outlined within this report, to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care (ASC), Integrated Care and Public Health, following all due process as required by the PSR.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care presented the report, noting it would be in partnership with three Boroughs working together.




That Cabinet:


A. Approved procurement approach (option 3) to use Direct Award Process C under the new Provider Selection Regime (PSR), to procure a new contract with the incumbent provider for a period of 2 years and continue the joint commissioning arrangements with Wandsworth (lead commissioner) and Richmond councils. All Merton governance processes will still be adhered to.

B. Approved the procurement timeline to award the contract by September 2024 for the new contract to start on 1st October 2024.

C. Approved the financial envelope for the contract.

D. Agreed that authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care (ASC), Integrated Care and Public Health to approve the award of the contract to the incumbent following all due processes. This will also allow alignment of procurement timelines with Wandsworth and Richmond councils.

E. In such circumstances, that the Authority has determined that the award of the contract must be made on the grounds of urgency, approval is given to delegate the decision to amend the procurement process outlined within this report, to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care (ASC), Integrated Care and Public Health, following all due process as required by the PSR.


Decision to proceed to procure a technology solution to support the management and maintenance of environmental Infrastructure Assets and Street Works pdf icon PDF 246 KB



1.    That Cabinet approved the procurement of a modernised technical solution ‘Alloy’ to support the delivery of services relating to Environmental Infrastructure Asset Management and Street Works. This new solution will bring efficiencies such as improved business processes, enhanced communication between teams and external contractors as well as provide better business intelligence supporting future strategy and evidence-based decisions. If we do not purchase ‘Alloy’ and wish to continue to deliver statutory services, we will need to extend the contract for the current solution ‘Mayrise’ in October 2024. This is not recommended as the solution is technically outdated and considered no longer fit for purpose. The total cost of this contract is £3,598,187.63 over a 10-year period with a no-fault break clause from year 5 onwards.


The Leader of the Council presented the report, noting the current contract expired in October 2024 and providing an overview of the services covered. The new contract would support statutory duties and enhance business processes and had a number of benefits including efficiency, cyber security risk reduction, more efficient route planning and the ability to update data in real time through mobile devices.



1.    That Cabinet approved the procurement of a modernised technical solution ‘Alloy’ to support the delivery of services relating to Environmental Infrastructure Asset Management and Street Works. This new solution will bring efficiencies such as improved business processes, enhanced communication between teams and external contractors as well as provide better business intelligence supporting future strategy and evidence-based decisions. If we do not purchase ‘Alloy’ and wish to continue to deliver statutory services, we will need to extend the contract for the current solution ‘Mayrise’ in October 2024. This is not recommended as the solution is technically outdated and considered no longer fit for purpose. The total cost of this contract is £3,598,187.63 over a 10-year period with a no-fault break clause from year 5 onwards.


Outturn Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 872 KB




A. That Cabinet noted the financial outturn position on revenue for 2023/24 showing a net underspend of £0.549m when corporate and funding items are included.

B. That Cabinet noted the outturn position on the Capital Programme detailed in appendix 2A


The Leader of the Council presented the report.


The Head of Accountancy spoke to the report noting that the net underspend for the year of £549,000 had been added to the Strategic Priorities Reserve.




A. That Cabinet noted the financial outturn position on revenue for 2023/24 showing a net underspend of £0.549m when corporate and funding items are included.

B. That Cabinet noted the outturn position on the Capital Programme detailed in appendix 2A


Exclusion of the public

To RESOLVE that the public are excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following report(s) on the grounds that it is (they are) exempt from disclosure for the reasons stated in the report(s).


The meeting proceeded entirely in public and therefore this item was not required.