Venue: Committee Rooms CDE, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX
Link: View the meeting here
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes:Apologies were received from Councillor Christie. Councillors Alambritis and Judge attended remotely.
Declarations of pecuniary interest Minutes:Councillor Judge declared an interest in Item 4 in that his wife Councillor Kirby was Chair of the North East Mitcham Community Association and he would therefore be withdrawing from the meeting whilst that item was considered. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 64 KB Minutes:RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 June 2024 are agreed as an accurate record. |
Additional documents:Decision:RESOLVED:
A. That Cabinet agreed to allocate £375,000 Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy funding as match funding for Merton’s London Borough of Culture Cultural Impact Award programme following the council’s successful bid to the GLA.
B. That Cabinet approved amendments to two Civic Pride Investing in Neighbourhoods funding bids approved by Cabinet on 19th February 2024 as follows: a. Wider proposals to support the North East Mitcham Community Association in lieu of repairs to Whorley Hall and an increase of the allocation from £55,000 to £88,000 with the increase of £33,000 to be used to fund the demolition of Whorley Hall. b. A broadening of the project parameters at Joseph Hood Recreation Ground so that the funding may be applied towards a multi-use games/sport facility in addition to a basketball court, tree planting and an outdoor gym. Minutes:The Cabinet Member for Civic Pride presented the report, proposing to allocate funds of Neighbourhood CIL to allow for a range of activities. The Cabinet Member also gave an overview of the other recommendations relating to existing awards.
A. That Cabinet agreed to allocate £375,000 Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy funding as match funding for Merton’s London Borough of Culture Cultural Impact Award programme following the council’s successful bid to the GLA.
B. That Cabinet approved amendments to two Civic Pride Investing in Neighbourhoods funding bids approved by Cabinet on 19th February 2024 as follows: a. Wider proposals to support the North East Mitcham Community Association in lieu of repairs to Whorley Hall and an increase of the allocation from £55,000 to £88,000 with the increase of £33,000 to be used to fund the demolition of Whorley Hall. b. A broadening of the project parameters at Joseph Hood Recreation Ground so that the funding may be applied towards a multi-use games/sport facility in addition to a basketball court, tree planting and an outdoor gym. |
Financial Monitoring - quarter 1 PDF 1018 KB Decision:RESOLVED:
A. That Cabinet noted the financial reporting data for quarter 1, relating to revenue budgetary control, showing a forecast net adverse variance of £11.394m when corporate and funding items are included. B. That Cabinet agreed the proposed revenue budget virements set out in paragraph 6.3 C. That Cabinet noted the contents of Section 5 of the report and appendices 5a to 5h and approve the proposed adjustments to the programme in Appendix 5b D. That Cabinet approved the capital bids for the following schemes: i) the proposed SCIL Bid for Amenity Way of £4,661,640 detailed in Appendix 5d. ii) the revision to Amenity Way incl Waste Transfer Station (previously Waste Transfer Station) at Appendix 5d and approve this £5,221,640 addition to the capital programme of which £560,000 funded by Merton the remainder by SCIL. iii) the proposed replacement of 21 vehicles (of which 15 are non-ULEZ compliant) as detailed in Appendix 5e which requires and addition £74,000 to the capital programme in 2024-25 and £45,000 is added to transport revenue budgets per annum (pro rata from the date of operation). iv) The proposed health and safety scheme for Peel House Car Park requiring £208,120 additional funding (Appendix 5g) v) SCIL bid for match funding of £108,000 for vehicle electric charging points - £200,000 grant received. (Appendix 5h) vi) The proposed virement from of virement of £165,000 from Children’s Safeguarding to Care Leavers Accommodation detailed in Appendix 5i E. That Cabinet approved the top slice charges for the administration and delivery fees of the Disabled Facilities Grant) from the annual Disabled Facilities Grant allocation from 1 January 2024 (Appendix 5f) Minutes:The Executive Director of Finance and Digital presented the report which noted the Quarter 1 position, with a projected end of year total variance of £11.4m, noting the forecasts would be developed as the financial year progressed including noting any actions taken on any overspends. The Executive Director then provided an overview of the recommendations.
A. That Cabinet noted the financial reporting data for quarter 1, relating to revenue budgetary control, showing a forecast net adverse variance of £11.394m when corporate and funding items are included. B. That Cabinet agreed the proposed revenue budget virements set out in paragraph 6.3 C. That Cabinet noted the contents of Section 5 of the report and appendices 5a to 5h and approve the proposed adjustments to the programme in Appendix 5b D. That Cabinet approved the capital bids for the following schemes: i) the proposed SCIL Bid for Amenity Way of £4,661,640 detailed in Appendix 5d. ii) the revision to Amenity Way incl Waste Transfer Station (previously Waste Transfer Station) at Appendix 5d and approve this £5,221,640 addition to the capital programme of which £560,000 funded by Merton the remainder by SCIL. iii) the proposed replacement of 21 vehicles (of which 15 are non-ULEZ compliant) as detailed in Appendix 5e which requires and addition £74,000 to the capital programme in 2024-25 and £45,000 is added to transport revenue budgets per annum (pro rata from the date of operation). iv) The proposed health and safety scheme for Peel House Car Park requiring £208,120 additional funding (Appendix 5g) v) SCIL bid for match funding of £108,000 for vehicle electric charging points - £200,000 grant received. (Appendix 5h) vi) The proposed virement from of virement of £165,000 from Children’s Safeguarding to Care Leavers Accommodation detailed in Appendix 5i E. That Cabinet approved the top slice charges for the administration and delivery fees of the Disabled Facilities Grant) from the annual Disabled Facilities Grant allocation from 1 January 2024 (Appendix 5f) |