Venue: Committee rooms C, D & E - Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for absence Minutes:Apologies were received from Councillors Edith Macauley and Martin Whelton.
Declarations of pecuniary interest Minutes:There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 67 KB Minutes:RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2016 are agreed as an accurate record. |
Additional documents:Decision:RESOLVED:
That the land adjoining Ravensbury Garages be
declared surplus to requirements.
That the decision of Cabinet on 18 December 2006
minute 3 D) is rescinded. C. That the Director of Environment and Regeneration is authorised to dispose of the Ravensbury Garage Site under his delegated powers in consultation with the Cabinet Member.
Minutes:The Cabinet Member for Finance introduced this report which sought agreement to rescind the decision of Cabinet on 18 December 2006 and to authorise the Director of Environment and Regeneration to dispose of the Ravensbury Garage site under his delegated powers in order to facilitate the regeneration of the Ravensbury Estate.
That the land adjoining Ravensbury Garages be
declared surplus to requirements.
That the decision of Cabinet on 18 December 2006
minute 3 D) is rescinded. C. That the Director of Environment and Regeneration is authorised to dispose of the Ravensbury Garage Site under his delegated powers in consultation with the Cabinet Member.
Sexual Health Strategy and Procurement PDF 213 KB Decision:RESOLVED: That Cabinet
Agrees the outline sexual health commissioning
strategy. 2.
Agrees delegation to the cabinet lead for the full
endorsement of the completed Merton sexual health commissioning
strategy once ready. 3. Approves the tendering of a new integrated sexual health service (level 2 and 3) with the London Boroughs of Wandsworth and Richmond upon Thames, contracted for 5 years (with the possibility of two one year extensions) as part of the London Sexual Health Transformation Programme.
Minutes:The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health introduced the report which outlined the sexual health commissioning strategy and sought approval for the tendering of a new integrated sexual health service (level 2 and 3) with the London Boroughs of Wandsworth and Richmond. He highlighted the desired outcomes set out in section 2.15 of the report.
In response to questions from the Leader and from the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, the Consultant in Public Health reassured Cabinet that the services would be sited in locations that would address equalities and access issues and that partnership work with Children Schools and Families would continue to ensure that young people were reached.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet
Agrees the outline sexual health commissioning
strategy. 2.
Agrees delegation to the cabinet lead for the full
endorsement of the completed Merton sexual health commissioning
strategy once ready. 3. Approves the tendering of a new integrated sexual health service (level 2 and 3) with the London Boroughs of Wandsworth and Richmond upon Thames, contracted for 5 years (with the possibility of two one year extensions) as part of the London Sexual Health Transformation Programme.
Financial Monitoring August 2016 PDF 777 KB Decision:RESOLVED: That Cabinet
Note the financial reporting data
relating to revenue budgetary control, showing a forecast net
overspend at year end of £4.966million, 0.9% of the gross
budget. B. Approve the proposed adjustments to the Capital Programme detailed in appendix 5b. That Cabinet notes the adjustments made to the Capital Programme in Appendix 5b and approves the following:
*Fully funded by Transport for London
Minutes:The Cabinet Member for Finance presented the report which provided the regular monthly financial monitoring update for August 2016, showing a predicted net overspend of £4.966 million at the end of the 2016/17 financial year. He said that there were a number of budget pressures, including adult social care costs, and that work was ongoing to address these, which would be reported to Cabinet in the September monitoring report.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health informed Cabinet that over the summer there had been lots of work to address the overspend in adult social care and that a detailed action plan is being monitored weekly. The Leader added that this had been identified as a significant issue for many London boroughs.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet
Note the financial reporting data
relating to revenue budgetary control, showing a forecast net
overspend at year end of £4.966million, 0.9% of the gross
budget. B. Approve the proposed adjustments to the Capital Programme detailed in appendix 5b. That Cabinet notes the adjustments made to the Capital Programme in Appendix 5b and approves the following:
*Fully funded by Transport for London
Business Plan 2017-2021 PDF 439 KB Decision:RESOLVED: That Cabinet
Agree the proposed amendments to savings
set out in Appendix 1 and incorporate the financial implications
into the draft MTFS 2017-21. B. Agree the latest draft Capital Programme 2017-21 detailed in Appendix 3 for consideration by scrutiny in November and notes the indicative programme for 2022-26. Minutes:The Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the report which set out the draft Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and draft capital programme 2017-21. He drew Cabinet’s attention to the significant budget gap that remains in the latter years of the MTFS.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet
Agree the proposed amendments to savings
set out in Appendix 1 and incorporate the financial implications
into the draft MTFS 2017-21. B. Agree the latest draft Capital Programme 2017-21 detailed in Appendix 3 for consideration by scrutiny in November and notes the indicative programme for 2022-26. |