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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Merton Civic Centre

Contact: Consultation and Community Engagement Team 

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


The meeting was held in the Council Chamber and chaired by Councillor Dennis Pearce. Six residents and three councillors attended. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained how the meeting would work.



London Assembly Update

Leonie Cooper, Assembly Member for Merton and Wandsworth


Leonie Cooper, Assembly Member for Merton and Wandsworth was unable to attend the meeting. 



Local notices and events


Cost of Living

Events continuing including April at Merton Civic Centre in Morden, June at Pollards Hill Library, September at Colliers Wood Library and November at Mitcham Library. Please check the council’s website and social media for the latest information. There is a Cost-of-Living e-newsletter you can sign up for.

Local Plan

Following the review by the Planning Inspectorate they have recommended several changes to the draft local plan. Residents can view these changes at and any comments should be submitted by Friday 22 March 2024.

Voter ID

London elections on 2 May will be the first in Merton where voters will require photographic ID. You can find a list of acceptable ID on our website and apply for a Voter Authority Certificate if you need one.

Scrutiny suggestions

The Scrutiny Team are asking for suggestions for local issues that the various Panels could investigate in 2024/25. You can complete an online form at or email

Public Toilets

Peter Southgate gave an update on public toilets review by the Scrutiny panel. There are plans to recruit a Council officer to develop a toilet scheme. There has been a focus on Morden station and a visit with Leonie Cooper AM is going to lead to a feasibility study. Currently 22 out of 28 termini have toilet provision and there is no provision on the Northern Line south of Elephant and Castle. There is a budget of £3m to improve toilet provision across the underground network so Morden will be assessed for viability.

Climate Action

The next Resident Summary Report of Merton’s Climate Delivery Plan is out today. This report tracks our progress over the last year and shows residents what we have planned for 2024, to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to climate change in Merton.

Activity Finder

New website to help residents find low-cost physical activities.

Changes to Fixed Penalty Notices

We will be consulting on options to increase FPNs for littering and fly-tipping following changes to the national rules. Q would this apply to dog mess? Would need to check


Cllr Pearce said that planning was under way for Armed Forces Day on Saturday 29 June 2024. Cllr Pearce said that this would include the return of the parade but it would be ending in Morden Hall Park. After 2024 the plan is to rotate the march around the different parts of the borough. Cllr Pearce is also looking to hold a celebration for 80th anniversary of D-Day and is looking for veterans of the operation to make a guest of honour. If anyone is aware of veterans in Merton, please let Dennis know.


Open forum


A resident asked about plans for a music event in Morden Park on 9/10/11 August. Friday night event ‘family friendly’ but the others are 18+. They wanted to know how much of the park is shut off and for how long and if the notices in the park be clearer and more numerous. Cllr Dollimore said that the events still need to go to Licensing Committee and the committee can attach conditions, approve or decline. The Friends of Morden Park has spoken with the Events Officer at London Borough of Merton and confirmed that the event has also not yet been approved by the Safety Advisory Group as well as Licensing. The Friends group keen to see the details in order to comment.


A resident asked that if finances are so challenging for London Borough of Merton why was money spent on a new logo. Kris Witherington said that the new corporate identity cost around £20,000 but this was from within existing budgets, to ensure there is no additional cost to the people of Merton. The design work was undertaken by another local authority with a specialism in branding. The modernised logo works better digitally and will fit with a new recruitment site.


Cllr Dollimore said that St Helier Avenue change of speed limit signs would be going up for 18 March change to 30MPH. The new limit also needs to be enforced and safer crossings installed.


Peter Southgate said that he and colleagues had met with TfL to look at level access to Dorset Road from Morden Road Tram stop on 19 February. Improved access needs a strip of land from the Army Cadets, and they have sent out a surveyor to have a look.


A resident asked about plans for regeneration of Morden town centre. Kris Witherington said that residents should expect more activity over the summer as work is being planned.


A resident said that access to the car park at Sainsbury’s get blocked by cars and delivery mopeds on the double yellow line.



Date of next meeting


To be confirmed