A. That Cabinet reviewed Appendix 1 London Borough of Merton Tree Strategy 2023- 2029 (Part 1), Management of council-owned trees and agreed to adopt the Tree Strategy.
B. That Cabinet noted Appendix 2 Collated feedback for Tree Strategy Initial scoping consultation that took place between (17th January 2022 - 28th February 2022) (466 responses received) Appendix 3 Collated feedback from the Draft Tree Strategy Consultation that took place between 20th October 2022- 30th November 2022 (10 responses received).
The Cabinet Member for Local Environment, Greenspaces and Climate Change presented the report, thanking officers for their work and noting the dedication to Dave Lofthouse. The report noted the aim to increase tree canopy by 10% by 2050 and outlined the 3 key aims within the report – to maintain existing trees, to protect trees from a range of issues and to enhance and optimise tree population – whilst the strategy focused on Council owned trees, phase 2 would look at those on private property and would form part of the wide greenspaces strategy.
The Assistant Director Public Space thanked officers for their work and Cabinet Members spoke to welcome the strategy.
A. That Cabinet reviewed Appendix 1 London Borough of Merton Tree Strategy 2023- 2029 (Part 1), Management of council-owned trees and agreed to adopt the Tree Strategy.
B. That Cabinet noted Appendix 2 Collated feedback for Tree Strategy Initial scoping consultation that took place between (17th January 2022 - 28th February 2022) (466 responses received) Appendix 3 Collated feedback from the Draft Tree Strategy Consultation that took place between 20th October 2022- 30th November 2022 (10 responses received).