10 Borough of Sport Blueprint PDF 182 KB
That Cabinet:
A. Agreed the proposals to make Merton London’s Borough of Sport.
B. Noted the estimated costs associated with the plans and agree the final costs are allowed for in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy between 2023-26.
C. Noted the creation of a public forum to gain support and combine effort, and the creation of a cross sector advisory group to guide and steer actions.
D. Noted London’s Borough of Sport will be formally launched towards the end of the summer with stakeholder and community events, with preparatory activities taking place across the summer.
The Cabinet Member for Sport and Heritage presented the report, thanking officers for their work. The Blueprint outlined how the Council intended to achieve the aim of ensuring all residents particularly those under 16 and over 65 and those from less affluent communities had access to physical activity and sport at least once a week and to celebrate the rich heritage of sport within the Borough. The Cabinet Member gave an outline of the plans and noted a public forum would hold its first meeting in September 2023.
That Cabinet:
A. Agreed the proposals to make Merton London’s Borough of Sport.
B. Noted the estimated costs associated with the plans and agree the final costs are allowed for in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy between 2023-26.
C. Noted the creation of a public forum to gain support and combine effort, and the creation of a cross sector advisory group to guide and steer actions.
D. Noted London’s Borough of Sport will be formally launched towards the end of the summer with stakeholder and community events, with preparatory activities taking place across the summer.