8 London Borough of Merton Alcohol Related Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) PDF 236 KB
A. That Cabinet noted the contents of the Evidence Report, the Public Consultation Findings, and the Equalities Impact Assessment (Appendices 1-3).
B. That Cabinet agreed the proposal to make a borough wide PSPO for alcohol related ASB and make Merton a responsible drinking borough.
The Cabinet Member for Civic Pride presented the report. The Borough currently had a PSPO which covered the Mitcham Town area and following a formal consultation, 79% of respondents supported expanding the area covered by this. The report therefore recommended discharging the current PSPO and enacting a new Borough-wide PSPO. The Cabinet Member thanked officers and Councillors for their work.
In response to questions from Cabinet Members, the Cabinet Member advised that there would be a broader strategy for those where alcohol was a problem and that a street drinking task and finish group had been established on this issue.
A. That Cabinet noted the contents of the Evidence Report, the Public Consultation Findings, and the Equalities Impact Assessment (Appendices 1-3).
B. That Cabinet agreed the proposal to make a borough wide PSPO for alcohol related ASB and make Merton a responsible drinking borough.