4 Merton as a Borough of Sport PDF 142 KB
RESOLVED: That Cabinet noted the development of the Borough of Sport undertaken by officers and were advised of the forthcoming development work with London Sport to create a strategy to deliver the council’s ambition for the provision of physical and sporting activities in becoming a Borough of Sport.
The Cabinet Member for Heritage and Sport presented the report providing an update on the work towards the administrations’ priority of becoming a Borough of Sport. The Cabinet Member provided an overview of progress including investment in multi-use sports areas, current sporting activities within the Borough and events provided at the Boroughs libraries.
In response to questions, the Cabinet Member advised that all libraries were warm spaces and that all leisure centres also had warm spaces.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet noted the development of the Borough of Sport undertaken by officers and were advised of the forthcoming development work with London Sport to create a strategy to deliver the council’s ambition for the provision of physical and sporting activities in becoming a Borough of Sport.