7 Repurposing the High Street - Final Recommendations PDF 244 KB
A. That Cabinet considered the report and noted the recommendations (attached in Appendix A) arising from the scrutiny review of the Re-purposing the High Street.
B. That Cabinet agreed to consider implementation of an action plan to be drawn up by officers working with relevant local partner organisations and Cabinet Member(s) to be designated by Cabinet.
The Leader noted that this was the last meeting for Councillor Peter Southgate and paid tribute to his work.
At the invitation of the Chair, Councillor Southgate spoke to present the report and gave an overview of the recommendations within it, following a task group established in 2020 and recognising the changed role of high streets as a result of the Covid19 pandemic. Councillor Southgate thanked the Cabinet Member and the Scrutiny team for their work.
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance, Recovery and the Local Economy responded to thank Councillor Southgate for his work and for the report.
A. That Cabinet considered the report and noted the recommendations (attached in Appendix A) arising from the scrutiny review of the Re-purposing the High Street.
B. That Cabinet agreed to consider implementation of an action plan to be drawn up by officers working with relevant local partner organisations and Cabinet Member(s) to be designated by Cabinet.