4 Merton Hate Crime Strategy 2022-26 PDF 468 KB
A. That Cabinet reviewed and signed off Merton’s Hate Crime Strategy 2022-26.
B. That Cabinet noted the content of the report in terms of work being undertaken on the hate crime agenda and consider how this work can be supported going forwards.
The Chair announced that Items 9 and 10 would be taken first and the remaining items would follow in agenda order, with Items 14 onwards taken in private session. For the purposes of the minutes all items are minuted in agenda order.
The Leader of the Council presented the report on behalf of the Cabinet Member for Partnerships, Public Safety and Tackling Crime, thanking the Cabinet Member and officers for their work. Discussions had taken place with the Hate Crime Strategy Group and the report proposed updating the strategy to cover the 2022-2026 period. The report had been updated to reflect the public engagement in 2021 as part of the YourMerton process and the Leader thanked the residents who had engaged with that process.
The Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Skills spoke to thank the officers and Cabinet Member for their work.
A. That Cabinet reviewed and signed off Merton’s Hate Crime Strategy 2022-26.
B. That Cabinet noted the content of the report in terms of work being undertaken on the hate crime agenda and consider how this work can be supported going forwards.