A. That Cabinet noted the work undertaken and to be undertaken to help improve the safety of women and girls in Merton
B. That Cabinet reviewed and agreed the recommendation that Merton Council sign up to the Mayor’s Night Safety Charter
The Leader of the Council presented the report on behalf of the Cabinet Member for Partnerships, Public Safety and Tackling Crime, which provided an update following a motion agreed at the Extraordinary Council meeting in April 2021. A task group had been established and first met in June 2021 which focused on a number of areas. The Leader thanked officers for their work on the report.
The Director of Environment and Regeneration noted that it was a work in progress and there was more work to be done and continuing to be undertaken.
A. That Cabinet noted the work undertaken and to be undertaken to help improve the safety of women and girls in Merton
B. That Cabinet reviewed and agreed the recommendation that Merton Council sign up to the Mayor’s Night Safety Charter