7 Council Tax Support Scheme 2020/21 PDF 65 KB
1. That the uprating changes for the 2020/21 council tax support scheme detailed in the report be agreed, in order to maintain low council tax charges for those on lower incomes and other vulnerable residents
2. That Council be recommended to adopt the new 2020/21 scheme.
The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance presented the report and thanked the officers for their work. He advised that the Cabinet wanted to protect the vulnerable and less well off in the community and it was felt that the proposals in the report would help with this aim.
The Chair welcomed the report which would support those on low incomes.
1. That the uprating changes for the 2020/21 council tax support scheme detailed in the report be agreed, in order to maintain low council tax charges for those on lower incomes and other vulnerable residents
2. That Council be recommended to adopt the new 2020/21 scheme.