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Issue - meetings

Keeping young people safe in Merton

Meeting: 14/01/2019 - Cabinet (Item 5)

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1. That Cabinet considered the report and recommendations arising from the joint scrutiny exercise with the youth parliament on the issue of keeping young

people safe in Merton – attached as Appendix 1;

2. That Cabinet considered the draft officer response set out in Appendix 2

3. That Cabinet agreed to delegate the action plan to the Director of Children

Schools and Families.


Councillor Kelly Braund, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services presented the report and thanked the Youth Parliament, the Police and Safer Merton for their hard work. The Cabinet Member noted that the report showed the importance of young people having a voice in every forum.


At the invitation of the Chair, Councillor Peter Southgate addressed the Cabinet and stated that he hoped that the meeting which had taken place in October would be the first of many.


At the invitation of the Chair Beverly Boateng, representing the Youth Parliament, addressed the Cabinet and gave an overview of the findings from the consultation.


The Chair responded that the survey report had been interesting to read and stated that the Cabinet wanted to encourage young people to be more involved with the Council.




1. That Cabinet considered the report and recommendations arising from the joint scrutiny exercise with the youth parliament on the issue of keeping young

people safe in Merton – attached as Appendix 1;

2. That Cabinet considered the draft officer response set out in Appendix 2

3. That Cabinet agreed to delegate the action plan to the Director of Children

Schools and Families.