Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommmend Forward to Council
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Update on progress towards formulating the
Business Plan 2021-25. In particular, the report updates the draft
MTFS for 2021-25 and sets out progress towards setting a balanced
budget for 2021/22 and council tax for 2021/22
1. That the response to the Overview and Scrutiny Commission be agreed;
2. That having considered all of the information in the Cabinet report and noted the positive assurance statement given by the Director of Corporate Services based on the proposed Council Tax strategy, the maximum Council Tax in 2021/22, equating to a Band D Council Tax of £1,340.72, which is an increase of below 5% be approved and recommended to Council for approval.
3. That all of the latest information and the comments from the scrutiny process be considered, and recommendations be made to Council as appropriate.
4. That the Business Plan 2021-25 including the General Fund Budget and Council Tax Strategy for 2021/22, and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for 2021-25 as submitted, along with the draft Equality Assessments (EAs), be approved and recommended to Council for approval subject to any proposed amendments agreed at this meeting;
5. That having considered all of the latest information and the comments from the scrutiny process, the Capital Investment Programme (as detailed in Annex 1 to the Capital Strategy); the Treasury Management Strategy (Section 5), including the detailed recommendations in that Section, incorporating the Prudential Indicators and the Capital Strategy (Section 4) as submitted and reported upon be approved and recommended to Council for approval, subject to any proposed amendments agreed at this meeting;
6. That it be noted that the GLA precept will not be agreed by the London Assembly until the 25 February 2021, but the provisional figure has been incorporated into the draft MTFS.
7. That officers be requested to review the savings proposals agreed and where possible bring them forward to the earliest possible implementation date.
8. That it be noted that there may be minor amendments to figures in this report as a result of new information being received after the deadline for dispatch and that this will be amended for the report to Council in March.
9. That the Risk Management Strategy be approved.
Report author: Andrew Wood
Publication date: 23/02/2021
Date of decision: 22/02/2021
Decided at meeting: 22/02/2021 - Cabinet
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